The future of ATOL: what can travel businesses expect?

In this video from our June Travelcast, TTC Directors are joined by Rhys Griffiths to discuss the recent ATOL Consultation.

22 Aug, 2022 Updated 31 Aug, 2022

At the ITT Conference in May, TTC’s Matt Purser sat down with Paul Smith from the CAA to talk about the future of ATOL. In this clip from our latest TTC Travelcast, Matt shared a few points from the conversation, including the importance of data, ATOL moving away from a one-size-fits-all model and variable APC.

Matt was joined by TTC Directors Martin Alcock and Adam Pennyfather, as well as Rhys Griffiths from Fox Williams who all shared their thoughts on the future of ATOL. 

Haven’t got time to watch the video? Here are the highlights:

  • APC is likely to be variable and based on business models. For example, dynamic package holiday businesses will likely pay a different APC to vertically integrated companies.
  • ATOL is moving away from the “one-size-fits-all” approach. Companies should choose how they comply e.g. through escrow, trust accounts, or bonding.
  • More emphasis will be put on the importance of data to centralise ATOL certificates and understand how many people are affected if an operator goes bust.
  • The CAA are interested in looking at fulfilment. ATOL has always been about financial protection, but there’s now a question as to whether it should be around holiday protection as well.

If you would like help understanding how the ATOL Consultation might affect your business, please get in touch.

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